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As soon as I see the attack coming, I don’t “block.” I STRIKE! “Blocking” is just an afterthought; an insurance policy if you f**k up, that’s all.
Basic Truth #2 of Sgt. Rory Miller’s 4 Basic Truths of Violent Assault as stated in his book Meditations on Violence: A Comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence states that attacks happen FASTER than more people realize.
Fights start quickly and most often, the one who gets the first shot in wins. It’s the old “firstest with the mostest” theory, and it is true. Real violent assaults are quick, ugly and overpowering. Wing Chun is designed for self-defense and as such its drills need to reflect the quick and violent nature of the street’s attacks.
Think back if you have ever taken a “self defense” class. After a brief overview of the “technique,” you paired off, and practiced the “technique” on a classmate or friend, and most likely with little or no speed.
While this is beneficial for learning a technique, it offers little in the way of preparing someone to address a situation coming out of a supermarket with bags of groceries in their hands, not thinking about that neat wrist lock they learned against a guy who just stands there like George McFly and grabs your wrist then waits for you to systematically dismantle him.
All of a sudden, something happens, and they freeze…why? Simple.
They were not prepared for the SPEED of an attack.
Remember, some thug isn’t going to sell tickets to see his rape or mugging. he wants to get in, get out and get away. Your Wing Chun training had better address that.
Below are just a few ideas to keep in mind. This isn’t all of them but rather a “big toe in the water.” More will follow, so stay tuned, but for now have at these:
Do these 3 things for awhile and watch your speed, accuracy and controlled aggression skyrocket. Now you will be training with PURPOSE!
Remember, professional thugs will attack HARD and FAST. You have to respond with more of everything they bring to the table. You have the tools within Wing Chun-never forget that. You know what you have to do-now go out and do it.
Train Smart, Stay Safe
Sifu Bobby
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